4th October
0900 - 1030

SMI & SCI-MPICH Software


Joachim Worringen
Lehrstuhl für Betriebssysteme (LfBS), RWTH Aachen
Kopernikusstraße 16, D-52056 Aachen
Tel.: +49-241-80-7609, Fax: +49-241-8888-339



The "Lehrstuhl für Betriebssysteme" at the RWTH Aachen has developed several open-source programming APIs to make the programming of SCI-connected NUMA-clusters easier. For the shared-memory programming model, the SMI library (http://www.lfbs.rwth-aachen.de/~joachim/SMI) allows the flexible creation of shared memory segments between processes running on different compute nodes, offers services like startup and synchronization and also features like loop-scheduling and load balancing.

The SMI library was also used to develop an implemenation of the most common API for message passing programming, MPI. Based on the MPICH distribution, SCI-MPICH (http://www.lfbs.rwth-aachen.de/~joachim/SCI-MPICH) allows the utilization of the fast SCI interconnect for message exchange.

The presentation will give an introduction into the principles and the API of the SMI library and will also give details on the implementation of SCI-MPICH.


1030 - 1100 Coffee
1100 - 1230

Software Labs


During the lab, the participants will create some basic SMI programms and will learn how to use SCI-MPICH at the best.


1230 - 1400



e-mail: {Brian.Coghlan,Michael.Manzke}@cs.tcd.ie

M.Manzke, Last modified: September 29, 2000 since March 1, 2000