SCI Summer School 2000
This summer school took place from 2nd-4th October, 2000, and was organised by the 
Computer Architecture Group of the Department of Computer Science, Trinity College

Attendees and presenters in front of the Campanile.

Kåre Løchsen (second from left), Managing Director of Dolphin Interconnect Solutions,
awarding the Dolphin Studentships to: Alexandre Carissimi (Brazil), Joachim Worringen 
(Germany) and Konstantinos Zerfiridis (Greece).

 SCI and the SCI Summer School Format

The Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI) IEEE Std 1596-1992 is one of the enabling
interconnect technologies for high performance computing. The SCI Summer School
was an intensive 3-day event involving 50% tutorial and 50% laboratory sessions with
a strong collegiate ethos. It is targeted at both newcomers to SCI as well as those
experienced in the field, with the objective to increase both the breadth and depth
of their working knowledge of SCI.

Electronic Proceedings

 Tutorial Sessions

Wolfgang Karl presenting SMiLE/SVM in the Large Conference Room. 

Hugo Kohmann of Dolphin Interconnect Solutions presenting Embedded SCI Solutions.

Attendees listening intently.
 Laboratory Sessions
Left: Laboratory session. Right: Håkon Bugge and Karim Ghouas of Scali installing one of 
two 8-node Scali torus clusters.
Left: Bernhard Skaali of SCILAB Technology instructing SCI Test Equipment lab. 
Right: Another Laboratory session 
Left: SCITRAC cable tracer (SCILAB Technology) connected to Tektronix TLA604 
logic analyzer. Right: Brian Coghlan of Trinity College Dublin with SCITRAC/TLA604.
Left: Joachim Worringen of RWTH Aachen, presenting SMI/SCI-MPICH lab.
Right: Martin Schulz of TUM, Munich, instructing SVM lab.

Michael Manzke of Trinity College Dublin instructing SCI Test Equipment lab.
 Lunch and Dinner
Left: Lunch in the Computer Science Common Room. Right: Dinner in the Dining Hall.


 Another dinner in the Dining Hall.

e-mail: {Brian.Coghlan,Michael.Manzke}

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